We have our first PLAY Expo London guest announcement! We are happy to confirm that Sensible Software founder and industry legend Jon Hare will be attending PLAY Expo.

Jon co-founded Sensible Software in the 1980s with Chris Yates and the company went on the produce some of the most successful games of the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Notable titles that Jon has worked on include the Sensible Soccer franchise, Cannon Fodder games, Wizball, Mega Lo Mania and Wizkid.

More recently Jon has worked on an updated version of Speedball 2 for handheld devices and PC as well as Sociable Soccer, the spiritual successor to Sensible Soccer. The latter will be playable in our indie zone.

We will confirm our talks schedule closer to the show dates and will be announcing more guests very soon!

All our talks and panels will be hosted by the guys from The Retro Hour Podcast.

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