Photo Shoots

PLAY Expo will feature a photo shoot area where we will have a number of different photo opportunities for attendees throughout the weekend...

We all have a favourite game that we’ve played over and over and now, thanks to Green Screen Technology, you have the chance to be featured in those games! You will be able to be photographed standing on the Green Hills of Sonic, striking a fearsome fighting pose in Street Fighter, heading down the tubes in Mario and many other options never before possible!

The timetable for the various shoots is below along with their price:

10:00 - Gaming Green Screens (£5)

12:30 - Minecraft Props (£5)

13:30 - YouTubers (£5 - Charity - all goes to GamesAid)

14:15 - Cosplay (£5)

14:45 - Hugo Myatt in full Treguard attire (£15)

16:00 - Knightmare's Helmet of Justice & Green Screen (£10)

17:00 - Props/Green Screen (£10)

Plus DeLorean Photoshoot:

Saturday (all day) - Ready Player One - £5

Sunday (all day) - Back to the Future - £5

These photographs are great fun and make a really nice souvenir of your weekend.


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