Whether you’re competing, supporting a team mate or just a casual observer, the tournaments at PLAY Expo are a must for many people. We've hooked up with some of the biggest gaming communities in London to bring you an impressive roster of tournaments throughout the weekend. We will release the schedule shortly, here's what we have lined up SO FAR!
Tekken 7, Dragon Ball FighterZ, and Street Fighter V
East London Fighters will be running our fighting tournaments all weekend. The East London Fighters (ELF) are London’s most active fighting game community. Their weekly activities provide a service for fans of the genre all over the UK and Europe. From beginning their project with only one PS4 and a monitor, the last two years has not only seen the ELF community grow in size, but they have also seen growth in the size and production of their events and the team employed to make them happen.
Now based in multiple locations across East London, including Swan Wharf and the RedBull Gaming Sphere, ELF also have a strong online presence. They provide regular online tournaments, which are a great way to interact with the greater community if you’re unable to make it down to one of their live sessions.
ELF’s fun, and often unique, events are usually the entry point for many people wishing to take their first step into the often daunting world of the FGC. Their knowledgeable, and quirky, staff have a reputation for making people feel as though they belong, regardless of their skill level.
You can find more information on the East London Fighters by checking out their: YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitch
FIFA 2018
District G will be running FIFA tournaments all weekend. District G are a London based eSports community with tournaments across FIFA and Tekken throughout the UK. Our house teams for both FIFA and Tekken are decorated with Global accolades, establishing us as leaders in the console eSports scene.
District G brings its signature experience to all of our tournaments, merging music culture with London’s vibrant offline gaming communities. In particular DG provides the ultimate place for casual gamers who want to come into community, as well serious eSports talent, looking to make their way through competitive leagues.
You can find them over on: Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook
Super Smash Bros Wii-U
DAT Team will be running Super Smash Bros Wii-U tournaments all weekend long! DAT Team are a group of event organisers based in London who specialise in fighting games and, more specifically, the Smash Bros. series. The team organises events of all sizes ranging from laid-back weekly events all the way up to 300+ entrant weekend events, all of which feature their notorious tournament running efficiency, which has caused them to gain the favour of the Smash community on a continental scale as being the best timekeepers and bracket managers in Europe, all without sacrificing the fun and excitement one would expect from gaming tournaments.
DAT Team has just come off a hot streak completing Albion 3, The largest European Smash Bros. tournament of the year thus far and the largest open bracket in British FGCs of the year, receiving critical acclaim from all across the various communities. While the team runs a tight ship, you can be sure that you'll see a friendly face behind the organisation and anyone looking to take their first steps into the Smash community will find themselves in good helpful hands at any DAT event.
You can find them over on: Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook
Puyo Puyo Tetris
PuyoGB will be running our Puyo Puyo Tetris Tournaments. Puyo Puyo Tetris, a crossover between the Puyo Puyo & Tetris franchises, combined gameplay elements of both these renowned puzzle franchises to create an instant fan favourite. PuyoGB were established shortly after the English localisation of Puyo Puyo Tetris, working alongside tournament organisers, conventions, and interested sponsors, to help promote Puyo Puyo as a competitive eSport. In a world where eSports are typically FPS or FGC related, PuyoGB are confident that Puyo Puyo can break the mold.
To help promote this growing community of gamers, PuyoGB will be running Puyo Puyo Tetris tournaments, as well as a free-play zone, on the PS4 version of the game all weekend long at PLAY Expo London. So whether you're a newbie, a seasoned veteran, or a long-running fan of the Puyo Puyo franchise looking to share the fun, make sure you come along to take part!
You can find out more about PuyoGB on their Website & Twitter
Super Mario Kart
Sami Cetin & Leyla Hasso, the two fastest Super Mario Kart SNES players in the UK will be running a Super Mario Kart SNES Tournament for the guests on the Saturday! Sami & Leyla will also be doing some live demonstrations of all the Multiplayer Modes, racing, Battle Mode, and 150cc Grand Prix in preparation for the World Championships the following week.